Digitizing direct- An agency with outperforming expectations! At Digitizing direct, we are known for our commitment to deliverance and astounding quality embroidery digitizing. No matter how complex digitizing work you may have, our skilled and talented custom jacket back embroidery digitizers are fully capable to deliver you exceptional quality digitized designs that will surely outperform your expectations

If you are looking for an excellent embroidery digitizing service provider that can stitch your work perfectly then you are at the right place. You might be scared of wasting time and money on unreliable digitizing services that are found in abundance, but no more worries, as digitizing direct is ready to serve you with exceptional and professional digitizing service including the customized patches, 3D puff embroidery, jacket back digitizing, logo and applique digitizing right in very affordable and cheap pricing package

Privacy assuranceat digitizing direct:

At digitizing direct, we understand the sensitivity circling the privacy and copyright issues and how bad our negligence can impact our customers. That’s one reason why we have stayed truest to our principle of maintaining the highest standards in terms of privacy and copyright protection of all designs. We never, never ever share embroidery digitized designs to anyone, at any cost. At digitizing direct, we care about your privacy and secrecy so your data would be in the safe hands.


“This is a perfect platform for getting vectors digitize, very cost-effective services with an excellent outcome. Highly recommended.”

“This is a perfect platform for getting vectors digitize, very cost-effective services with an excellent outcome. Highly recommended.”

“This is a perfect platform for getting vectors digitize, very cost-effective services with an excellent outcome. Highly recommended.”

“This is a perfect platform for getting vectors digitize, very cost-effective services with an excellent outcome. Highly recommended.”

“This is a perfect platform for getting vectors digitize, very cost-effective services with an excellent outcome. Highly recommended.”









Digitizing Direct is committed to provide creative, artistic and custom embroidery digitizing and vector arts. With the team of passionate designers, we are offering high quality online services to USA and international clients at inexpensive rates.

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